


learn to tell stories that move people

our belief

we believe that once you are in business, storytelling is also your business

we believe that great stories happen to those who can tell them

we believe that just like coding or leadership skills, storytelling can be learned

our work

we teach storytelling to those who want to improve theirs

we do that through our keynotes, workshops, consulting and coaching services

we have been teaching storytelling for over 10 years now, all over the world

our clients

our offerings:

workshops + coaching + consulting

business storytelling

how to tell a better story about the work you do?

leadership storytelling

learn how to inspire with actions and inform through stories

data storytelling

learn how to weave numbers into a narrative

brand storytelling

elevate your brand story to increase ‘share of heart’

social media storytelling

learn how to connect, engage with and grow your fan base

impact storytelling

great work on the ground but not enough people know about it?

fundraising pitches

all fundraising is storytelling, craft the winning narrative with us

story coaching

get a mentor to work with you, one on one

story consulting

fix that story or leverage the story power for change management, team building, inclusion or any other specific situation

meet our team

founder &
story monk

“Once you are in business, storytelling is also your business. You owe a good story to those who pay you their attention.”

business storyteller &

“Every success stands proudly on a pile of struggles, and every failure is garbed in a life lesson.

storyteller &
finance head

“Make way for stories; it' s the only way of life”

business storyteller &
story coach

“Stories break clutter, hold attention and inspire people to act. There is no greater skill than storytelling relevant in current work environments”

business storyteller &
story coach

“Stories are threads that bind the fabric of people together.”

business storyteller &
story coach

“Humanity ' s biggest change makers are also the finest storytellers.”

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